Videos Tutorials
TutorialsOkteto Features: External Resources
Arsh Sharma
TutorialsOkteto Features: Live Endpoints
Arsh Sharma
TutorialsAutomating Cloud Dev Environments and Resources with Pulumi and Okteto
Arsh Sharma
TutorialsUsing Terraform With Okteto To Create External Resources
Arsh Sharma
TutorialsUsing Private Images From JFrog Artifactory With Okteto
Arsh Sharma
TutorialsGetting Your Helm Applications Ready for Cloud Development With Okteto
Arsh Sharma
TutorialsPlatform Features: Garbage Collector
Arsh Sharma
TutorialsStep by Step Tutorial: Taking a Containerized App to Kubernetes
Arsh Sharma
TutorialsDeveloping Docker Compose Apps: Okteto Manifest and Okteto Catalog
Arsh Sharma
TutorialsDeveloping Docker Compose Applications on the Cloud
Arsh Sharma
TutorialsOkteto Self-Hosted Installation Guide Part 5: Configuring Buildkit Persistency
Arsh Sharma
TutorialsOkteto Self-Hosted Installation Guide Part 4: Configuring External Storage for Application Images
Arsh Sharma
TutorialsOkteto Self-Hosted Installation Guide Part 3: Setting Up Custom Authentication
Arsh Sharma
TutorialsOkteto Self-Hosted Installation Guide Part 2: Configuring Wildcard Certificates
Arsh Sharma
TutorialsOkteto Self-Hosted Installation Guide Part 1: Installing Okteto on Your K8s Cluster
Arsh Sharma
TutorialsUsing Okteto and Postman for Better API Testing
Arsh Sharma
TutorialsHow To Set Up Preview Environments With Okteto
Arsh Sharma
TutorialsDeploying and Developing a Helm chart application in Okteto
Abdulazeez Abdulazeez Adeshina
TutorialsBuild a Rasa Chatbot with Okteto
Abdulazeez Abdulazeez Adeshina
TutorialsOkteto Live! Ramiro integrates the okteto CLI with Fig
Ramiro Berrelleza
TutorialsBuilding A FastAPI Application in Okteto. Part 1: Introduction
Abdulazeez Abdulazeez Adeshina
TutorialsBuilding A FastAPI Application in Okteto. Part 2: Routes
Abdulazeez Abdulazeez Adeshina
TutorialsBuilding A FastAPI Application in Okteto. Part 3: Databases
Abdulazeez Abdulazeez Adeshina
TutorialsBuilding A FastAPI Application in Okteto. Part 4: Preview Environments
Abdulazeez Abdulazeez Adeshina
TutorialsBuilding A FastAPI Application in Okteto. Part 5: Conclusion
Abdulazeez Abdulazeez Adeshina
TutorialsHow to Create and Use Data Clones in Okteto
Abdulazeez Abdulazeez Adeshina
TutorialsConfiguring Preview Environments in Okteto
Abdulazeez Abdulazeez Adeshina
TutorialsHow to Connect Your PyCharm remote Interpreter to Okteto
Abdulazeez Abdulazeez Adeshina
TutorialsDeveloping Applications using Okteto's Development Environment
Abdulazeez Abdulazeez Adeshina
TutorialsIntroducing Okteto Divert
Jacob MacElroy
TutorialsDeploying Docker Compose Applications to Okteto From GitHub
Abdulazeez Abdulazeez Adeshina
TutorialsDeploy your Development Environment with Okteto
Ramiro Berrelleza
TutorialsDevelop a Node app in your Okteto Development Environment
Ramiro Berrelleza
TutorialsCreate Personal Access Tokens
Ramiro Berrelleza