
Webinar: Enhance CI Pipelines with Dagger & Okteto Preview Environments for a Better DevX

Arsh Sharma

Jeremy Adams

TalksPanel: Scaling DevX For Growing Teams

Chris Westerhold

Michelle Alexander

Stefana Muller

Jarrod Bellmore

Ramiro Berrelleza

PodcastsHow a Y Combinator Founder Raised $15,000,000 and Transformed Developer Experience

Ramiro Berrelleza

Panida Wayrojpitak

WebinarsUnifying Dev & Prod Environments with Terraform & Okteto: A Must for Every Platform Engineer

Arsh Sharma

Richard Weerasinghe

TutorialsOkteto Self-Hosted Installation Guide Part 4: Configuring External Storage for Application Images

Arsh Sharma

TutorialsOkteto Self-Hosted Installation Guide Part 1: Installing Okteto on Your K8s Cluster

Arsh Sharma

PodcastsWorking at Microsoft, Startups and Raising Millions at Okteto with Ramiro Berrelleza

Ramiro Berrelleza

James Hudnall

PodcastsOkteto enables a modern developer experience with one-click development environments

Ramiro Berrelleza

Twain Taylor

TalksEliminating the Gap Between Development and Production with Kubernetes and Crossplane

Ramiro Berrelleza

Arsh Sharma

TalksUsing Kubernetes and Crossplane Together to Help Developers Code Cloud Native Applications

Ramiro Berrelleza

TalksUsing Kubernetes and Crossplane Together to Help Developers Code Cloud Native Applications

Arsh Sharma

Viktor Farcic

WebinarsImprove How You Develop Cloud Native Applications Using Okteto

Arsh Sharma

Pablo Chico de Guzman

TalksLeveraging Running Stateful Workloads on Kubernetes for the Benefit of Developers

Arsh Sharma

Ramiro Berrelleza

TutorialsBuilding A FastAPI Application in Okteto. Part 1: Introduction

Abdulazeez Abdulazeez Adeshina

TutorialsBuilding A FastAPI Application in Okteto. Part 4: Preview Environments

Abdulazeez Abdulazeez Adeshina

TutorialsDeveloping Applications using Okteto's Development Environment

Abdulazeez Abdulazeez Adeshina