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Preview environments for your Applications

Sharable preview environments for full-stack applications with every pull request.

Preview changes on every pull request

Building a full-stack application with your team can be challenging, but collaboration shouldn't be the hard part. Preview environments give you a sharable URL for each pull request made so you and everyone on your team can view the changes deployed before they get merged. This leads to better and faster review cycles and ensures that the review process is not limited to just developers.

Bring everyone on board

Traditionally team members not involved in development would view changes only after being pushed to production. With preview environments, EVERYONE can be part of the review and development process right from the start. Get feedback faster by sharing preview URLs with sales, marketing, designers, product owners, or any other stakeholders before you ever ship a change!

Keep your workflow

We don't want to change the way you or your team has been developing. Preview environments work with your existing favorite tech stack, IDEs, and any other tools you might be using today. Okteto is powered by Kubernetes, so you can keep building the same way and we'll take care of the complex parts of deploying your changes.

Want to see it in action? Try it with your favorite source control provider:

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Remote development and preview environments help everyone go faster. We’re sure there’s an Okteto solution for your team.

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