Event: We're headed to London for KubeCon EU.
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Book a demo

Learn how to increase developer productivity and reduce costs with Okteto

See what Okteto can do for you

Innovation companies like monday.com, LaunchDarkly, and Replicated use Okteto to transform their development experience. Book a demo to discover how automated environments from dev to prod can benefit your teams. (Hint: You’ll love what it can do!)

What can I expect to learn?

We’ll cover topics such as:

  • Coding locally with instant changes in a production-like environment
  • Simplifying Kubernetes workflows for developers
  • Reducing cognitive load and boosting developer productivity
  • Decreasing onboarding time for development teams
  • Accelerating testing and collaboration with preview environments
  • Reducing infrastructure costs by automatically scaling down unused resources

Platform teams choose Okteto

"DevX has transformed our development process, becoming a cornerstone of our platform. It's now recognized as being a first-class construct inside the organization. This was not even considered before Okteto. Now it's the first thought."
Aron Sogor
Aron Sogor
VP of Engineering, Playable Worlds
"The Okteto preview environments are just killer because we automate all our testing, and if we needed to play around manually with code, we could safely do it there in testing and not in production."
John Craft
John Craft
CTO & Co-Founder, Privacy Dynamics
"The productivity increase is huge— developers don't need any extra time handling environment setup and can work on what matters, which is the product itself."
Lior Rabin
Lior Rabin
Infrastructure Tech Lead, monday.com
"We chose Okteto because it removes the need for every engineer to have a deep understanding of the kubernetes infrastructure. Okteto just works."
Marc Campbell
Marc Campbell
CTO & Co-Founder, Replicated