15 posts by Pablo Chico de Guzman

Announcing the Launch of Okteto CLI 2.0!

I think you'll agree that, as developers, we enjoy innovating and working on exciting new features more than anything else. We'd get some coffee and play...

April 13, 2022
Avatar of Pablo Chico de GuzmanAvatar of Pablo Chico de GuzmanPablo Chico de Guzman

Building Docker Images Faster for Webpack

At Okteto we are very passionate about increasing developer productivity. We were looking for ways to improve our container build times when we came across...

December 16, 2021
Avatar of Pablo Chico de GuzmanAvatar of Pablo Chico de GuzmanPablo Chico de Guzman

Run your Pull Request Preview Environments on Kubernetes

Have you ever wanted to test the changes in one of your teammate's pull requests? Today it looks like this: commit your local changes, switch your local...

June 07, 2021
Avatar of Pablo Chico de GuzmanAvatar of Pablo Chico de GuzmanPablo Chico de Guzman

Okteto Cloud meets GitOps

GitOps is the new way to deliver applications in Kubernetes. It uses Git as a single source of truth for your applications, automating delivery by using...

April 09, 2020
Avatar of Pablo Chico de GuzmanAvatar of Pablo Chico de GuzmanPablo Chico de Guzman

How to Develop and Debug Ruby Applications in Kubernetes

Kubernetes is an open-source project for automating deployment, scaling, and management of containers. It has rapidly become the standard to run production...

March 24, 2020
Avatar of Pablo Chico de GuzmanAvatar of Pablo Chico de GuzmanPablo Chico de Guzman

Okteto Push - Your Code to Kubernetes in Seconds

We've been talking to a lot of developers since we started building Okteto. Every team has very unique challenges, but one that came up pretty regularly...

March 18, 2020
Avatar of Pablo Chico de GuzmanAvatar of Pablo Chico de GuzmanPablo Chico de Guzman

Step Out from the Dark Ages, Develop the Cloud Native Way

If you build software, the words it works on my machine have slipped out of your mouth at least once in your life. If you Google it you’ll probably find...

January 22, 2020
Avatar of Pablo Chico de GuzmanAvatar of Pablo Chico de GuzmanPablo Chico de Guzman

BuildKit as a Service in Okteto Cloud

We are thrilled to announce that you can now build Docker images from your local source code directly in Okteto Cloud, all powered by BuildKit. Another...

November 11, 2019
Avatar of Pablo Chico de GuzmanAvatar of Pablo Chico de GuzmanPablo Chico de Guzman

How to Develop and Debug Go Applications on Kubernetes

Kubernetes is an open-source project for automating deployment, scaling, and management of containers. It has rapidly become the standard to run production...

October 22, 2019
Avatar of Pablo Chico de GuzmanAvatar of Pablo Chico de GuzmanPablo Chico de Guzman

How to Develop and Debug Java Applications on Kubernetes

Kubernetes is an open-source project for automating deployment, scaling, and management of containers. It has rapidly become the standard to run production...

October 04, 2019
Avatar of Pablo Chico de GuzmanAvatar of Pablo Chico de GuzmanPablo Chico de Guzman

Easier Kubernetes debugging with Okteto

We recently published a survey to help us better understand how developers are using Kubernetes in their day-to-day workflows. One of the questions was...

September 17, 2019
Avatar of Pablo Chico de GuzmanAvatar of Pablo Chico de GuzmanPablo Chico de Guzman

How to Develop a Django + Celery app in Kubernetes

Django + Celery is probably the most popular solution to develop websites that require running tasks in the background. Developing a Django + Celery app...

July 27, 2019
Avatar of Pablo Chico de GuzmanAvatar of Pablo Chico de GuzmanPablo Chico de Guzman

Run Coder in Okteto Cloud

Online IDEs are becoming mainstream due to their ability to provide true one-click development environments, surpass the capabilities of developer machines...

June 12, 2019
Avatar of Pablo Chico de GuzmanAvatar of Pablo Chico de GuzmanPablo Chico de Guzman

VS Code Remote Development in Kubernetes

VS Code Remote Development is a powerful VS Code extension that allows you to take advantage of VS Code’s full feature set in the following scenarios:...

May 19, 2019
Avatar of Pablo Chico de GuzmanAvatar of Pablo Chico de GuzmanPablo Chico de Guzman

Accelerate Serverless Development with Cloud Run and Okteto

Google recently introduced Cloud Run, a new solution for deploying your code as containers with no infrastructure management. It is a step forward for...

May 07, 2019
Avatar of Pablo Chico de GuzmanAvatar of Pablo Chico de GuzmanPablo Chico de Guzman