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Version: 1.26

Develop On Okteto Button

The Develop on Okteto button is a shortcut to deploy your development environments with a single click.

The button is designed to be used in Git README files, documentation sites, or pretty much anywhere that renders an html file. Use this instead of writing a never-ending list of manual steps on how to deploy your development environments.

Here's an example button that deploys the Movies App using Okteto:

Develop on Okteto


The basic requirements for creating the button are that your application can be deployed in Okteto, and that the application's source code is hosted in a public Git repository.

The easiest way to validate this is to follow the instructions in the Deploy from Git document.

Adding the Develop on Okteto button

There are two ways of referencing the source code repository:

  • Resolve it implicitly. This is useful in GitHub README. files. If you don't specify the repository, Okteto will infer it using the referrer header. This only works on public repositories hosted in
  • Using the repository and branch parameters. This is useful for buttons hosted outside of, in blog posts or documentation.

Using an implicit repository

If you're embedding the button in a public GitHub repository's README file, Okteto will automatically infer the repository and the branch using the referrer header when someone clicks on the button.

Here's an example:

[![Develop on Okteto](](

And here's the equivalent content as HTML if you prefer that:

<a href="">
<img src="" alt="Develop on Okteto">

A develop-okteto.png is also available.

Adding explicit parameters

Use the following Markdown snippet as a template, changing the repository and branch query parameters to match your repository. The branch query parameter is optional.

[![Develop on Okteto](](

And here's the equivalent content as HTML if you prefer that:

<a href="">
<img src="" alt="Develop on Okteto">


You can parametrize your deployment using the following parameters:

  • repository: The repository to be deployed. If it's not present, Okteto will automatically infer it using the referrer header, if available.
  • branch: The repository branch to be deployed. If not included, it will use the default branch of the repository.
  • vars: It allows you to specify a list of variables that will be available as environment variables during the deployment. It is optional. .e.g vars=[{"name":"THEME","value":"dark"},{"name":"LANG","value":"en"}]. This would generate 2 environment variables that are available on your deployment: THEME=dark and LANG=en. It has to be URL encoded.
  • filename: The location of the Okteto manifest relative to the root of the repository. If not set, one of the deployment related manifests will be used.