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Version: 1.29

Feature Flags

Setting any feature flag variable as an Admin Variable will enable that feature flag for all operations within the cluster. Admin variables are equivalent to defining that variable on every developer's machine.

Below is a list of those variables that you can use to leverage these newer and experimental features:

Environment VariableDescriptionDefault Value
OKTETO_AUTOGENERATE_STIGNOREIf true, generates the .stignore file when running okteto upfalse
OKTETO_AUTODEPLOYIf set, forces the deployment of the development environment on okteto upfalse
OKTETO_BUILDKIT_FRONTEND_IMAGESpecifies the default docker image to use for the BuildKit frontendBuilt-in Dockerfile frontend
OKTETO_BUILDKIT_MAX_RETRIES_FOR_TRANSIENT_ERRORSSpecifies the maximum number of retry attempts for build processes that fail due to transient (temporary) BuildKit errors3
OKTETO_BUILDKIT_WAIT_TIMEOUTSpecifies the maximum duration to wait for BuildKit to become available10m
OKTETO_BUILDKIT_RETRY_INTERVALSpecifies the interval between successive checks of BuildKit's availability status5s
OKTETO_COMPOSE_UPDATE_STRATEGYDefines the update strategy that the compose must translate (it can be one of: rolling/recreate/on-delete)N/A
OKTETO_COMPOSE_VOLUME_AFFINITY_ENABLEDCompose services mounting the same volume will be placed on the same node using Kubernetes's pod affinitytrue
OKTETO_DEV_PERSISTENT_VOLUME_SIZEOverride the default persistent volume size for Development Containers. Set in binary SI units (e.g. 2Gi)N/A
OKTETO_DISABLE_SPINNERIf set, disables the spinner rotationfalse
OKTETO_FOLDERDefines the path where the Okteto folder is located$OKTETO_HOME/.okteto
OKTETO_KUBERNETES_TIMEOUTSpecifies the timeout while deploying0
OKTETO_LOCAL_REGISTRY_STORE_PRIORITY_ENABLEDGives more priority to the local registry credentials than the Okteto Registry Credentialsfalse
OKTETO_SMART_BUILDS_ENABLEDEnables the Smart Builds feature that uses a hash of the build context to determine if an image needs to be rebuilt or can be pulled from the registry. This can accelerate build timestrue
OKTETO_SUPPORT_STACKS_ENABLEDSupport Okteto Stacks syntaxfalse
OKTETO_SYNCTHING_VERSIONSpecifies the Syncthing version the CLI must useN/A
OKTETO_USE_STATIC_KUBETOKENUse a fixed token rather than a dynamic token for interactions with the Kubernetes APIfalse