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Version: 1.26

Okteto Registry with Google Cloud Storage

This guide will walk you through the process of setting up the Okteto Registry with Google Cloud Storage to store your container images.

The first step is creating a Cloud Storage bucket in GCP. You can follow the steps mentioned here to do that. It is okay to proceed with the default settings. Just make sure that your bucket does not have public access enabled.

Next, create a service account, for example "", with access to you to your bucket.

Then run the following command to grant the okteto-registry Kubernetes service account the ability to impersonate the Google Cloud service account that we just created using Workload Identity. By binding the roles/iam.workloadIdentityUser role, the Kubernetes service account can authenticate as the Google Cloud service account, allowing it to securely access the Cloud Storage bucket without needing to manage long-lived service account keys:

gcloud iam service-accounts add-iam-policy-binding \ \
--role roles/iam.workloadIdentityUser \
--member "serviceAccount:$[okteto/okteto-registry]" \
--project $GCP_PROJECT

Important: Make sure you have Workload Identity enabled in your cluster for this to work. Workload Identity in Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE), allows for seamless and secure communication between Kubernetes workloads and Google Cloud services.

After this, configure the Okteto Registry with a workload ID in your Okteto Helm configuration file:

enabled: true
bucket: <<vbucket-name>>
project: <<your-project-id>>
enabled: true
annotations: ""

Finally, upgrade your Okteto instance for the new configuration to be applied. We recommend that you upgrade to the same version that you already have to minimize the changes and help you troubleshoot any issues.