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Version: 1.26

Bring your own Wildcard Certificate

For this, you'll need the private and public keys of your certificate. The certificate must be a PEM-encoded X.509 certificate in PKCS1 format, with *.SUBDOMAIN as its Subject Alternative Name.

Import the secret into your kubernetes cluster by running the command below:

kubectl create secret tls ${CERT_NAME} --key ${KEY_FILE} --cert ${CERT_FILE} --namespace okteto

Where CERT_NAME is your-ssl-certificate-secret.

After you create the secret, add the following to your Helm configuration file to tell Okteto and NGINX to use your certificate.

create: false
name: your-ssl-certificate-secret

default-ssl-certificate: $(POD_NAMESPACE)/your-ssl-certificate-secret

You can use any certificate provider you are familiar with if it's compatible with the x.509 and PKCS1 standards. For example, we have a guide maintained by the community to configure your certificate with GoDaddy.

Finally, upgrade your Okteto installation for the new configuration to be applied.


If publicOverride is set, its value must also be included in the certificate's Subject Alternative Name list. For example, if you use as the publicOverride, and as the subdomain, you need to generate a certificate that includes * and in the Subject Alternative Name list.

Bring your own Certificate Authority

By default, Okteto will trust a certificate issued by any well-know certificate authority. If your certificate is self-signed, issued by a new certificate authority, or issued by a private certificate authority, you'll need to import your certificate authority's public key.

First import your certificate authority by running the command below:

kubectl create secret generic ${CA_NAME} --from-file=ca.crt=${CA_FILE} --namespace okteto

Where CA_NAME is your your-ca-secret.

After you create the secret, add the following to your Helm configuration file to tell Okteto to use your certificate authority:

create: false
name: your-ssl-certificate-secret
enabled: true
name: your-ca-secret
key: ca.crt

default-ssl-certificate: $(POD_NAMESPACE)/your-ssl-certificate-secret

Finally, upgrade your Okteto instance for the new configuration to be applied. We recommend that you upgrade to the same version that you already have to minimize the changes and help you troubleshoot any issues.