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Version: 1.26

Google Artifact Registry

This tutorial will guide you on how to use your private Google Artifact Registry with Okteto. It's recommended that you have the gcloud CLI installed to follow this tutorial.

The steps to configure your private Google Artifact Registry with Okteto are:

  • Create a service account with access to your private Google Artifact Registry
  • Retrieve the service account credentials
  • Configure the credentials in Okteto

Step 1: Create a service account with access to your private Google Artifact Registry

Export the name your want to use for your service account:

export SA_NAME=<<your-service-account-name>>

Create a service account with the gcloud CLI by executing the following command:

gcloud iam service-accounts create ${SA_NAME} --display-name="My Service Account for Okteto"

Add a policy to grant read access to your private Google Artifact Registry:

gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding {PROJECT_ID} \
--member=serviceAccount:{SA_NAME}@{PROJECT_ID} \

Step 2: Retrieve the service account credentials

Create an Access Key to use these credentials by executing the following command:

gcloud iam service-accounts keys create SA_KEY_FILE.json \

The command will create a file SA_KEY_FILE.json with rhe required credentials. You will use this file in the next step.

Step 3: Configure the credentials in Okteto

Add the following registry credentials to the Admin Registry Credentials view:

  • Type: Static
  • Hostname: your private Google Artifact Registry endpoint, for example
  • Username: _json_key
  • Password: the content of the file `SA_KEY_FILE.json``

You can also use _json_key_base64 as username and encode your SA_KEY_FILE.json as the value of the password:

cat SA_KEY_FILE.json | base64