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Version: 1.26

File Synchronization

When you run okteto up, an instance of Syncthing, a file synchronization service, will be automatically started to keep your local files synchronized with your development container.

Syncthing provides a web UI to show the state of the file synchronization. You can get the syncthing endpoints and credentials of your development container by running okteto status --info:

$ okteto status --info
 i  Local syncthing url: http://localhost:60539
i Remote syncthing url: http://localhost:60538
i Syncthing username: okteto
i Syncthing password: ac0ee34a-b1aa-4a41-bc67-cec3128b6cfd
✓ Synchronization status: 100.00%

Ignoring files

If some files should not be synchronized between your local machine and your development environment, a file called .stignore can be created containing file patterns to ignore. The .stignore file must be placed in the root of the folder.


The okteto init command will create a default .stignore tailored to the typical use cases of your programming language.

The .stignore file contains a list of files or path patterns. The first pattern that matches will decide the fate of a given file. The patterns follow the same syntax that .gitignore and .dockerignore. More information on this is available here.

# default .stignore for a go-based project

# Test binary, built with go test -c

# Output of the go coverage tool, specifically when used with LiteIDE